博克斯比特总医院设法为那些无力支付必要医疗费用的人提供支助. If you're experiencing financial hardship, 请IM电竞App的患者财务顾问,讨论付款计划或财务援助等选择.
- View the full policy for Financial Assistance in 英语.
- To download the Financial Assistance Application in 英语 click 在这里.
- 其他需要注意的重要文件包括IM电竞App官网的AGB计算和IM电竞App官网的包括供应商列表.
You may find this information of particular interest if you:
- 没有保险.
- Are enrolled in a health insurance plan that is not contracted with Box Butte General Hospital.
- Intend to pay directly for your health care services at Box Butte General Hospital.
Please contact either of our 病人 金融咨询师 8 a.m. 到5点.m., Monday through Friday:
- Robert Hood, Financial Counselor 308.761.1008 rhood@freeseostats.net
- Elena Dawn, Financial Counselor 308.761.1020 edawn@freeseostats.net